Product Development Consulting AVICT is Product Development Consultancy based in South Africa. Focusing on ICT. I help companies to address the realities of business in new and existing markets, To pinpoint new business possibilities and to formulate and implement strategies to leverage those possibilities. I enable and create growth in uncharted territories. An experienced product manage or developer can significantly increase the efficiency of a product development project. Increased efficiency in product development often translates into reduced time to market, reduced cost of development and reduced risk. Part of the reason for these specific benefits is that I use a data based approach to product development, specifically to product definition. Part of this data based approach is market identification as opposed to market definition. In essence your product begins it’s life with a list of potential customers and an anchor customer. Part of my approach can be described as complying with the “Infinite game” way of thinking. In this approach products aren’t developed to specifically compete with those of your competitors but rather to be sustainable sources of revenue and commensurate growth for your business, to allow sufficient flexibility and adaptability to allow you to define any strategy for your business. In particular I focus on the needs of your customer, customer experience and customer relationship management. When products enjoy a long useful life, expertise and experience only increase over time, your business benefits from greater efficiencies.   Here are some of the values that AVICT can add to your business:

Product Development Consulting

Product development which responds to the environmental influences produces sustainably profitable products. Products which speak to customer experience retain customers, delight customers. Products which deliver what they promise generate profit and growth. A well developed product gives you the confidence you need to successfully negotiate the market.
  • New concept identification – Identifying business opportunities based on market data and identifying market trends enabled by new technologies and connectivity
  • Market identification and classification Identification by name of a list of potential customers, based on identified market needs.
  • Product and service design – designing world-class, competition-beating products and supporting services based on market insight.
  • Product development – fulfilling the development process as it applies to your business. Building the business structures and processes you need to deliver value to your customer and in your business environment.
  • Functional Implementation – Designing a product function for your business and assisting with the implementation, role definitions, staffing and management structures.
  • Transfer to manufacturing – working with manufacturing partners to transfer designs and establish long-term volume manufacturing capability.

Strategy Advisory

A strategy that is relevant to your business and your market enables the translation and implementation of strategies from concept to reality. Implementation and management structures for Strategy Implementation make it possible to adjust for an ever changing market.  

Product Life-cycle Management

I offer a “Build – Operate – Transfer” model which will put your business in a position to effectively and efficiently manage your products through their life-cycle